By the 1980s, Cardiff Bay in South Wales was a byword for post-industrial degeneration. A century of global trade and heavy-industrial prosperity had given way to fifty years of stagnation and decline, leaving the bay and its docks with a legacy of deprivation, economic torpor and environmental degradation. Incrementally, over intervening decades, progress has been made towards regenerating these despoiled wastelands.
When the BBC opened its Roath Lock Studios in 2012, it kick-started the emergence of a new creative cluster at Porth Teigr, centred around the studios, which generated demand for co-working space among emerging digital media companies.
Gloworks has been constructed as part of a strategy for meeting this demand. Mark Hallett, development director for the Porth Teigr scheme said: “It’s really good for Cardiff to have these kinds of developments which bring creative companies into the capital. To be seen as a successful and growing city, it needs to be attracting these types of businesses.”
Client: Welsh Assembly Government and igloo Regeneration
Contractor: Vinci
Project Manager: Davis Langdon
Structural Engineer: Bay Associates
M+E Engineer: Hoare Lee
BREEAM consultant: Michael Cox
Cost Consultant: Gardiner & Theobald
Site: 4,074m2
Value: £6.5m
Rated BREEAM Excellent